
Showing posts from July, 2012

Zits has all the answers

I read the Zits comic yesterday, and it got me thinking about how our generation works. Here's the comic strip:  Zits July 22,2012 . It's so true too. I know it's nice to be able to text someone where you are, update them on your plans, and keep them in the know...but I would wear out quickly if I got texts like this comic all the time. I wish we behaved more like people before our generation, as in, we know our plans for the day and could tell anyone where we'll be and when, and that won't change. Obviously plans change, but not that much, and they only change if you're the one motivated to change them. I can't say that I plan out everyday to a tee, but I definitely do when I meet up with people or friends. If I make plans to see someone at 2pm at such and such a place, I'm going to be there at 2pm waiting for you. I don't understand when people make plans like this and then text each other, up until they both reach their meeting spot, things like ...

Enjoying a Drizzly Day

I got up this morning, looked out the window, and everything was wet from rain! It's a little exciting only because it's been so warm here the past couple weeks. Remember that storm couple weeks ago that knocked people's power out? Well I was fortunate and only had to deal with it overnight. I know there are people still without power, I can't quite image how I would be dealing with it if it were me. It was fun for me because we lit some candles and had flashlights. We played a board game with our friends, went to bed, and all was well in the morning. I'm not so sure it would be that fun had it lasted longer. The point is that we also had about a week's worth of heat advisories. So try and imagine the power going out AND dealing with sweltering heat without fans or AC...not very cool. I do have some fans set up today, to get some circulation and new air into the apartment. It's cheaper than AC and I do feel like it's good to recycle the air as much as ...

Abstract Thoughts

Everyone talks about how they travel the world. Some of us do and some don't. I haven't done that much world traveling yet but I'm so glad I have friends that do. One friend is currently in Cape Town who I just Skyped with just to say hi. I haven't talked to her in a while so I just wanted to touch bases. She is so happy there, working towards helping people while enjoying parts of the world that I've only seen in movies. Hearing my friends out traveling makes me even more motivated to find a job and explore some place new. I want to get moving. I'm a pretty good person at adapting, so where ever I move will probably be awesome, but even if it isn't I hope I move quickly from there. Being "stuck" in one place because you're not willing to move is not a good excuse to stay where you are. I want to move somewhere I can have a garden to grow plants that don't just live in pots. I want a living room and  a dining room, there are few times w...