Zits has all the answers
I read the Zits comic yesterday, and it got me thinking about how our generation works. Here's the comic strip: Zits July 22,2012 . It's so true too. I know it's nice to be able to text someone where you are, update them on your plans, and keep them in the know...but I would wear out quickly if I got texts like this comic all the time. I wish we behaved more like people before our generation, as in, we know our plans for the day and could tell anyone where we'll be and when, and that won't change. Obviously plans change, but not that much, and they only change if you're the one motivated to change them. I can't say that I plan out everyday to a tee, but I definitely do when I meet up with people or friends. If I make plans to see someone at 2pm at such and such a place, I'm going to be there at 2pm waiting for you. I don't understand when people make plans like this and then text each other, up until they both reach their meeting spot, things like ...