Enjoying a Drizzly Day

I got up this morning, looked out the window, and everything was wet from rain! It's a little exciting only because it's been so warm here the past couple weeks. Remember that storm couple weeks ago that knocked people's power out? Well I was fortunate and only had to deal with it overnight. I know there are people still without power, I can't quite image how I would be dealing with it if it were me. It was fun for me because we lit some candles and had flashlights. We played a board game with our friends, went to bed, and all was well in the morning. I'm not so sure it would be that fun had it lasted longer. The point is that we also had about a week's worth of heat advisories. So try and imagine the power going out AND dealing with sweltering heat without fans or AC...not very cool.

I do have some fans set up today, to get some circulation and new air into the apartment. It's cheaper than AC and I do feel like it's good to recycle the air as much as you can, especially in a small place. I've brought one of my peace lilies back indoors. It has a bud that looks like it's ready to burst open soon. The point of buying them was to help filtrate the air, so having them outside...well, doesn't quite work. I'm running out of space for all my plants though. I'm not sure what I'll do when I have to move, but I'm hoping to keep most of them if possible. I recently added some pictures online Plant Pictures and it's so cool to me to see the progression of growth. The african violets I have are re-blossoming and it's awesome to see their bright purple flowers.

It's been a low key Friday and really rather enjoyable. Write back soon =)


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