Life, Knitting, and My Cluster of Thoughts
Coffee in the mornings Job searching when I can Knitting amazing projects for others Getting back in shape Reading Having fun Enjoying life Trying to stay up to date on news Not eating so much These are just some of the things I think about everyday. There are more I'm sure but every time I try to sit down and write they all flood in and I can't figure out exactly what my fingers should be typing. I like to just start writing and go from there but even doing that seems to be beyond me these days. I do feel bad I haven't been writing but this has been my dilemma recently. Part of me has been thinking about switching the theme of my blog. Some ideas are to make it solely a project/craft blog, so only updates on my knitting or other projects I get done. The problem with this idea is that I'm already a member on Ravelry and thus just repeating what's already on my page there. That's the main idea I have for changing the theme of my blog,...