Life, Knitting, and My Cluster of Thoughts

  • Coffee in the mornings
  • Job searching when I can
  • Knitting amazing projects for others
  • Getting back in shape
  • Reading
  • Having fun
  • Enjoying life
  • Trying to stay up to date on news
  • Not eating so much
These are just some of the things I think about everyday. There are more I'm sure but every time I try to sit down and write they all flood in and I can't figure out exactly what my fingers should be typing. I like to just start writing and go from there but even doing that seems to be beyond me these days. I do feel bad I haven't been writing but this has been my dilemma recently. 

Part of me has been thinking about switching the theme of my blog. Some ideas are to make it solely a project/craft blog, so only updates on my knitting or other projects I get done. The problem with this idea is that I'm already a member on Ravelry and thus just repeating what's already on my page there. 

That's the main idea I have for changing the theme of my blog, otherwise I'm not sure so we'll see. Even if I don't change the theme I hope to update and post more. You would think I'd have posts everyday since I'm currently unemployed but I actually keep myself pretty busy with other goings-ons. In fact, here's a picture of the space shuttle Endeavor I saw last Friday, very cool history in the making. 


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