
Showing posts from March, 2012

Little Bit of Work, Little Bit of Play

My break has definitely been low key. I plan to write lots today, other than this post. My main event yesterday was going to recycling with my bf, but at least I got out of the house. Today I need to write LOTS and finish my paper for graduation. In addition I need to study for the comprehensive exams I have to pass in order to graduate. Enough of what I have to do though, it'll be this same stuff until about April 19th. Here are some pretty purple tulips that I saw in the car yesterday, this was the closest I could get without getting out of the car.    Right now I'm having my morning coffee even though it's approaching afternoon quite rapidly. I have mentioned before, besides all the work I need to get done, about Assassin's Creed. This break has been all about work and this video game. It's the first and only first person game that I don't get scared with and enjoy playing most of the time. Of course when I play it for too long, I get annoyed, but that...

Happy Hunger Games

I just got back from the new Hunger Games movie!! It was great, I liked A LOT. It's over 2 hours long, but it flies by. I've read the books, and of course there is more detail in those, but they did a great job putting this story on the big screen. All the characters fit, and match up pretty well with what I had in my mind as I read the books.  Here's the poster which I'm sure almost everyone has seen by now. I'm incredibly excited about the next films for this trilogy. Yes, I know they say, "we're not sure if we're making the second or third yet", but let's be serious, this first one has made enough money alone to warrant the next two. It's made $155 million in North America the first weekend (that's last weekend btw) according to The New York Times and $152.5 million during the weekend according to The Hollywood Reporter . Either way, that's a ton of money, breaking records left and right the longer it's out in theaters. ...

Salty Sunday =P

Assassin's Creed. It. has. me. hooked. This is the last day of our challenge, and I must's gotten harder by the day if you guys haven't noticed already. I think I will take a few days off to gather some good material for a worthwhile post. This isn't really the best end of challenge week post, but that's how it'll have to be.

Serene Saturday

Well, I've been out and about mostly today(Saturday) which has been a nice change from recent weeks. It must be a testament to how much I haven't been doing though, because I was tired by the time we got back in the afternoon. BUT, it was a good day and I did get some pictures, but I apologize because they were taken on my phone. We were in a rush out the door that I forgot my camera. I was on a walk though, here are some of my pictures. The weather was pretty nice even though it looks dreary. It was overcast but not raining, all in all a good temperature and not too bright of sunshine.  Some of the geese were out but only a few. My conclusion is that some have headed back (or possibly never migrated this winter) from the south, but it seems most have no returned yet. I was at this lake a little bit ago with my boyfriend John, in the fall I think, and the geese were all over the shore. We had brought stale bread to feed to the geese. Needless to say, the geese got pretty c...

Fantastic Flowering Friday!! B-)

So this morning was an early one. My labs started at 8:30am and I just finished about an hour ago. It was three different labs with some tutoring the last hour, not a three hour stat lab, that would be difficult for me even. On my way to lab I took some pictures of the flowers around campus. I took some later after I was done because it turns out we have a lot of pretty stuff planted around our campus and it's beautiful when it's blooming (aka now). The first pair of pictures I think I like the best, they're tulips, and you'll see why. At roughly 8:15am At roughly 1:00pm  It amazes me how plants change throughout the day. As you can see, these are the same flowers, just different times of the day. I don't know much about tulips (except that they're pretty) and it didn't occur to me they close up overnight until I saw them this morning. I had seen them yesterday but didn't have my camera so somehow early this morning I remembered to toss it in ...

teetering and tiring thursday

well tonights post is brought to you from my phone keyboard because I'm already in bed. This has really been a tough week for me to blog everyday. im hoping my labs I teach will go quickly tomorrow. i still have homework to finish and the only good thing about that is that we turn it in electronically. so really,as long as it's before homework's not late =) there's also something dripping from my ceiling. It started sometime this afternoon because it definitely wasn't dripping this morning. Although this is one more I have to add to the list, get excited! Because I've already come up with tomorrows post..well the general idea of it and I hope it'll be more interesting than my daily life as a grad student. If you read the PhD comics, they're true, they're all true. I thought they were just funny before but they actually make me feel better now, to know I'm not the only one. Goodnight world.

No Wireless Wednesday

To be honest, I know this is late. I had all intentions of writing yesterday but it just slipped my mind. I was up until 1:30am, and around 12:15am was when I realized it was Thursday already. Now, you must be thinking, just write one quickly and post it asap. Well, the only problem is I have test Thursday (today) and I was just in the groove and not paying attention to the time. I also don't have internet in my apt, it's just not a necessary bill I need right now. Since I spend most of my days on campus where there is ample internet, I really don't have a need for it at home. I just make sure I have the files I need to work on and that usually does it. It helps that I use dropbox , because I'll work on a file through my dropbox folder on my laptop at home, and as long as I bring my laptop to campus (I usually do), it will sync all my folders when I get connected. Then if I ever do work on a school computer, I have all my folders updated in dropbox. It's actually ...

Turbo Tuesday

Soo I was at the store earlier today, and found a pretty sweet deal: Buy 10 energy drinks for $0.69 ea. That's $6.90 for 10 cans or you could buy 4 cans for $7.18 (or something close to that). Of course I went for it with all the major deadlines coming up and finals not too far off either. It seems the energy drink companies have got it into their heads that not everyone wants carbonated drinks at 2am or cough syrup flavors. With all this canned energy, I feel a little better about getting things done. Not that that's a good thing in any regard, these drinks are pretty bad for you, but I don't function well at night or on little sleep so these should help. Part of why energy drinks aren't good for you is because they pretty much keep your eyes open, they don't make your brain think any faster (so I'm told). It's really like playing a trick on yourself...maybe. On the one hand your brain thinks it's night time(~12:00am) and hence, bedtime. On the other ha...

Modular Monday

A module, in its simplest form, is "a self-contained component". It's a completely legitimate way to describe my Monday because if I don't treat my tasks as modules, my brain will probably explode. I have a problem with handling several tasks at once (or in a short period of time); instead of completing each thing as it comes at me, I think about ALL of them together and end up getting nothing done. SO, since this is the week before spring break I have a huge amount of work cut out for me (obvious to those who remember this week in their schooling). Each day this week will probably be terribly long, with little sleep, and a high intake of caffeine. Today in particular, I have my night class, 6:00-8:45pm, which isn't too bad but when you get home a little after 9:00 at night it makes that second wind a little tougher to engage. But, as I said, today will be split into modules. That way, I can focus on one thing at a time, get it done, and move onto the next. In a...

Checking in

Well, class starts in 1.5 hours. Yup, Monday nights = class til 8:45pm. I'm looking forward to it though, since I've been sitting in the same sit since about 12:30pm working on my project report. It'll be nice to have to focus on class and nothing else for a little. On a completely different note, I've found an X-men cartoon on, X-men Evolution . They actually have all the seasons on there and I'm still on the first but I hope I can watch the other seasons. Hulu Plus isn't that much per month, but until I have some sort of setup at home that would make it plausible it's not really worth buying. I only have two channels at home right now anyway. No cable, just an antenna with an analog to digital converter. There's the Leaf Plus which seems pretty sweet but I'm still checking it out. Gotta get back to work, happy Monday =)

Coffee, Cats, and Sunday Mornings

Sunday morning, rain is falling... What's funny is that it's not actually raining, but it is Sunday morning. Maroon 5 has some good songs, I used to listen to them a lot, in high school. Now a days I'm a Pandora-er ( and it's pretty great. Currently my favorite stations are "Celtic genre", "Deadmau5", or my good old "classical" station. It is true, the commercials you have to listen through can get old (because it's usually the same one), but since I'm not quite the music connoisseur it's nice to have Pandora's suggestions. Currently I'm choosing the "Silent" station brought to you by the absence of any electronic device making noise. For 9:40am it's a little early and I have my coffee to keep me company anyway. Today will be busy, there's homework to get done of course. Right now is nice though; the morning time after you've woken up but before your brain has clicked on. I'm som...

java java java JAVA

Soo, I'm totally wired on caffeine right now. And I'm not talking a super high caffeine high but enough late enough at night to make me SILLY! Let me explain. I recently decided my caffeine intake was getting a little ridiculous. As a solution I bought "half-caf" coffee so I could still drink as much as before but not make my stomach angry with all that caffeine. So, tonight I had some of this amazing "half-caf" but with the result of enough caffeine to keep me up and going to do some homework, but now that it's wearing off I still feel fine but...I'm getting into one of those laughing moods where EVERYTHING is funny. That sentence was really long but that's kinda how things go when you're wired! Updates are there aren't very many from the last post. Excited about the weekend!