Little Bit of Work, Little Bit of Play

My break has definitely been low key. I plan to write lots today, other than this post. My main event yesterday was going to recycling with my bf, but at least I got out of the house. Today I need to write LOTS and finish my paper for graduation. In addition I need to study for the comprehensive exams I have to pass in order to graduate. Enough of what I have to do though, it'll be this same stuff until about April 19th. Here are some pretty purple tulips that I saw in the car yesterday, this was the closest I could get without getting out of the car. Right now I'm having my morning coffee even though it's approaching afternoon quite rapidly. I have mentioned before, besides all the work I need to get done, about Assassin's Creed. This break has been all about work and this video game. It's the first and only first person game that I don't get scared with and enjoy playing most of the time. Of course when I play it for too long, I get annoyed, but that...