Checking in

Well, class starts in 1.5 hours. Yup, Monday nights = class til 8:45pm. I'm looking forward to it though, since I've been sitting in the same sit since about 12:30pm working on my project report. It'll be nice to have to focus on class and nothing else for a little.

On a completely different note, I've found an X-men cartoon on, X-men Evolution. They actually have all the seasons on there and I'm still on the first but I hope I can watch the other seasons. Hulu Plus isn't that much per month, but until I have some sort of setup at home that would make it plausible it's not really worth buying. I only have two channels at home right now anyway. No cable, just an antenna with an analog to digital converter. There's the Leaf Plus which seems pretty sweet but I'm still checking it out.

Gotta get back to work, happy Monday =)


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