A Busy Grad Student's Update on Life

I just got an update on JT's most recent blog challenge and unfortunately I missed out in participating (just too busy!) but I did skim some of the blogs, and I plan to go back and read them later. A lot of the tips I saw were about "keep writing" and "blog a lot", which I like and it's true, if you don't keep it up then it feels harder to get back into. I've gotten more comfortable in writing shorter posts just for the sake of getting something up so people don't think I've forgotten about my blog. Listen up though! I'm so close to graduating and I need to stay focused or else it could all crumble apart! I don't think that's very likely but I need to stay focused nonetheless.

I had one of the best classes last night though, my once a week 3 hour long class. My professor was in a good mood and just feeling light I guess, he kept making jokes and going way off track from the material. He has good tangents, the ones you like listening to and will probably make you laugh. We did talk about class material but the thing of it was, most of us had heard about the methods he was teaching already. So, it was a good review but with a little more detail, but also nothing entirely new. I will say that's one great thing about grad school; every class I take relates to the same subject. When I take new classes, my old ones build on top of that, or the new class explains something from an old class much better than before. It all just feels more connected. In undergraduate I studied math, and while I really loved it and every class was challenging, they didn't seem as connected. This may also be due to the fact that statistics is a little more applied, while the math I learned was a taste of everything to hopefully get me interested in some area and then go learn more about it.

While finishing up my paper to graduate, I've been thinking of posting some bits from it. The topic is pretty visually oriented so I figured it might be interesting to some of you. Not to make any of you antsy (if statistics excites you) but I probably won't get around to that for a while, a few weeks maybe. Like I said I really need to focus this next week and a half. For those of you who read my blogs for JT's 7 day challenge, Modular Monday (here's the link for those that haven't), compartmentalizing is key to my success. If I don't do that, my brain = exploded, and that just wouldn't be pretty, plus I'd feel terrible for whoever has to clean that up. For those silently saying I'm crazy, I know. Stress is one of those tricky things. I know it'll get the best of you if you let it, and I also know that you can control how much stress effects you. I have gotten much better at just dealing with things as they come at me, and not thinking too far in the future, but for some reason my body is wired to freak out, and I'm slowly trying to correct that.

My one professor also told me yesterday that he can probably hook me up with a summer job, which is great! Class is starting soon so I gotta go. This post turned out longer than expected, woo! For those of you who made it this far in reading I hope you enjoy your job and are SO glad you don't have to take tests anymore, I can't wait to join you!!


  1. "For those of you who made it this far in reading I hope you enjoy your job and are SO glad you don't have to take tests anymore, I can't wait to join you"
    You wish! Every day is a test when you are working. A test that you have to pass - there is no such thing as fail - unless you want to be unemployed. Your Manager and your customers expect the answers on the spot, not after you have been back to the text books to mug up.
    You are challenged and need to draw on your knowledge, experience and insight. You are the expert, you are expected to "know". You can rarely say "let me just study up on that and I will get back to you".
    Good luck with your studies.

    1. I concur. Work is less fun than studying, even if there is no test.

    2. I do hear that a lot, that I'll miss school, and I'm sure it's true..but I've been in school since..I was 5 years old, I'm more burnt out and just need a change, joining the workforce will help with that I think.

      I do hear you guys though, but I'm ready for that challenge =)

  2. This job your professor hooked you up with may mean that he thinks you would be a good PhD candidate. Maybe focus on that instead of trying to get a real job and sealing your fate. You're staying anyway. If it doesn't work out, at least you'll have tried!

    1. Thing is, we don't have a PhD program; they're trying to start one but I'm not really interested. If it were a different school with an already established PhD program, then I might consider...

    2. I started a PhD programme but quit after 2 years. I became tired of being poor and having to study and work at the same time, which resulted in me not progressing in either of them. Having said that, if you are offered a paid position for a PhD, it might not be a bad idea.

    3. I stress again the burn out, I'm just not sure I have the drive in me to stay in school another 2 years...

    4. lol.... I know how you feel

    5. I bet your dream job would rather you have a PhD over a Masters. By "trying", has your school just started trying? Or are they almost done trying?
      In industry, all that matters is your original contribution to the field you got your PhD in. If someone has a problem with where you got it from, tell them to go read your dissertation and take it up with the judge. There are always fears that your decisions just may not work out. But, how can you be sure that you won't be on your second (real) job 3 years from now? If you start now, you'll have to work at least 40 years. Do you not think you'll get burnt out?
      It's a real honor to receive a PhD. I don't think you should let the thought of 2 more years of school or the fact that your school's program will be new get in your way.

    6. They've started "trying", but it's a long process. As to an employer wanting someone with a PhD over a Masters...well, a PhD just isn't for everyone.

    7. Your department has to make sure it conducts its new program in a legitimate fashion. "An employer" is completely different that the "dream job" I referred to. You'll have no problem getting a job with your Masters. But you can't honestly tell me that you don't have some organization in mind you dream of working for. Everyone does. Yes, some people attain their dream job without receiving a PhD. Maybe it'll happen to you. But until then, every other job you take will just be a stopgap for a paycheck.

  3. Polly,

    In my experience, your qualification gets you your first job. After that, it's all on what you achieve. YMMV.


  4. like the comic... it's depressing... lol


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