
Showing posts from June, 2012

Scatter Brain

My thoughts feel very scattered and emotional these days. Not necessarily all bad or all good, just a combination of a lot of thoughts going through my head. Like bumper cars, you aim for a target but you're almost  guaranteed to get hit by someone on the way which distracts you from your target and ultimately you wind up forgetting the first target and move to another. That many thoughts make me zone out a lot, I mean who hasn't felt that way at one point? What's even funnier to me, is when someone asks how I'm doing in these cases and I'll say good or fine or whatever and automatically that's somehow code for "I'm not ok". Every time I talk with friends about this feeling though, it seems to be the same: they're zoning out, trying to sort all the stuff in their head out, so a response like "good" or "fine", if anything, is code for "can't talk, trying to sort out my brain". And yes, sometimes it's good to...

Heading in the Right Direction

It's not the greatest feeling there is; trying or wanting to help someone that just doesn't want your help. It doesn't have to be help either, just the situation of someone you know you can assist in some way but stuck because they won't have any of it. Being the youngest of three I have definitely been on the "I don't want your help" side A LOT to "prove" to my siblings (and the world!..heh) that I can do something and I'm just as smart. Each year I get older, a little more mature, and am still surprised by the things I learn about myself, even if I thought I knew them already. These days while I search for a big girl job in the even larger scary world, I find myself asking those that have already been there. These people have succeeded in their careers and their goals, or are on the path to, so I know the advise they give me is worth listening to. It's a little like a group project or a research paper. In a group, most of the time, ...

MMMmmonday - Ponderous Thoughts

It's Monday, a new week, and so far so good. Remember during the rainy season? Those overcast days? They give a sort of comfort; a perfectly logical reason to stay inside and be cozy. I love them since my interests exist both for outdoor and indoor activities. This is my second summer in WV and it's sort of funny that I'm still experiencing these types of days. The whole day has been overcast but it's about 80 degrees outside. It hasn't rained yet but the clouds look on the edge of dumping bucketfuls. I plan to make hot tea and do some knitting. I did some grading earlier, and if I do more work later today I'll work on other stuff. I've been a TA for two years and I'm pretty over the whole job. It wears you out if you're not looking to be a teacher as a career path. Last night talking with John and another friend who came for dinner; they asked why don't you just give everyone 10/10's and be done with it? Well it's tempting, very tempt...

I Like to Move it Move it

Sunday sunday...A day of rest, for some. I began with a G+ hangout with some family which was nice. Woke up, made coffee, and hung out with my mom and sister as if we were all actually together. After catching up each of us came back to reality of where we were again. For me, that meant eating breakfast and figuring out what to do today. First off was picking up newspapers for the sunday coupons; as a mathy/statistician person it's actually a fun game to see how much money can be saved using coupons. Remember, they just want you to think something is worth the higher price...but there are ways to get it cheaper (sometimes). Second trip of the day was to Micheal's where John and I went searching for stamp making supplies. The women we asked for help apparently didn't know the store very well. See, the rubber used in stamp making is not located in the stamping aisle, it's actually located in the artists supplies aisle, who knew right? So we found what we wanted, now...

Saturday: an Adventure

Today has been awesome. I woke up, made coffee and headed off to a morning date at the farmer's market where John and I bought some fresh veggies. Then it was back home for some breakfast. The next adventure was going for a bike ride, about 12 miles. Not very tough because it was all level, but still great to get out and breath some fresh air. We actually rode past a deer who just stared at us while we rode by. I stopped ahead of it to go back and take a picture but I didn't get a very good one. You can kind of see the rump (brown part in the center) of the deer and a little bit of its head. When I tried to get closer for a better picture the deer went running off. After the bike ride it was back home again to relax some and chill out for the rest of the day. All in all it was a pretty great day. Hopefully this summer will be filled with more adventures like today =)