Heading in the Right Direction

It's not the greatest feeling there is; trying or wanting to help someone that just doesn't want your help. It doesn't have to be help either, just the situation of someone you know you can assist in some way but stuck because they won't have any of it.

Being the youngest of three I have definitely been on the "I don't want your help" side A LOT to "prove" to my siblings (and the world!..heh) that I can do something and I'm just as smart. Each year I get older, a little more mature, and am still surprised by the things I learn about myself, even if I thought I knew them already. These days while I search for a big girl job in the even larger scary world, I find myself asking those that have already been there. These people have succeeded in their careers and their goals, or are on the path to, so I know the advise they give me is worth listening to.

It's a little like a group project or a research paper. In a group, most of the time, you split up work. It doesn't make sense to have everyone do the same stuff or the project will take [number of people in the group] x [days it takes one person] = way longer than if you split the work up! (hypothetical calculation) I'm not saying you shouldn't know the work being done, but that's what collaboration is all about; keeping everyone updated, tossing around ideas, and making sure everyone is progressing on some part of the project just not the same parts.

It's something everyone has to learn, and I'm still in the process, but it is nice to have an idea about where something is going, to have all the facts, instead of just taking a shot in the dark. Sure, adventures are fun, discoveries feel great, but if someone has knowledge they want to share with you...then the adventure or discovery only gets more interesting because I can define even more clearly what I want out of this adventure or that discovery.

I'm excited about where I'm headed even though I don't have an exact location yet. First things first, I need the job, I need all the information about it, and then I can figure out all the details that go with it. Regardless, I have a general direction and gather new information everyday. In fact, I have to take it day by day or else I won't be able to stay focused. If we worry about the future too much there's no time for the present, and without first dealing with the present, we'll never make it to the future.


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