Saturday: an Adventure

Today has been awesome. I woke up, made coffee and headed off to a morning date at the farmer's market where John and I bought some fresh veggies. Then it was back home for some breakfast. The next adventure was going for a bike ride, about 12 miles. Not very tough because it was all level, but still great to get out and breath some fresh air. We actually rode past a deer who just stared at us while we rode by. I stopped ahead of it to go back and take a picture but I didn't get a very good one.
You can kind of see the rump (brown part in the center) of the deer and a little bit of its head. When I tried to get closer for a better picture the deer went running off.

After the bike ride it was back home again to relax some and chill out for the rest of the day. All in all it was a pretty great day. Hopefully this summer will be filled with more adventures like today =)


  1. Ah I can see it! You did better than me, I have a distant shot of the backside of one on the far side of a field at the bottom of my garden! My husband has noticed quite a few around recently though and that seems to be since the farmer left that uncultivated strip next to my stream (if you remember me mentioning it on my blog a while back). The good thing is that I have a good fence round my property so I can enjoy seeing them but they can't get in and eat my garden!

    1. That's good, deer can eat up everything. I don't know if you've looked at my plant pictures but they're all potted so I don't need to worry about animals much =) I'm having a lot of fun growing stuff. The album on G+ is supposed to be once a day but I've forgotten some days..oops, but you can see a difference.


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