Peace and Quiet

Early morning is probably one of my favorite times of the day if not the favorite. It's fall which means it's getting cooler and we've been having fog in the mornings. I don't know what it is, but fog gives off this eerie feeling but at the same time I imagine it to be an eye cover for mother nature. She's waking up and can't just open her eyes quickly, the fog has to rise up and slowly burn off until everything is visible. I went star gazing recently and slept out on the bed of a truck. It was a great night for it because there was no moon and all the stars came out. What I liked even better was waking up shortly after the break of dawn, sunrise was 7:08am. I usually wake up at around 7:00am so time wise this wasn't too different. There's something about sleeping outside without windows to block light that just changes the experience. Most days I would love to have my bedroom window face east so I can wake up with the sun. I feel morning is a better time to get things done or even if I'm not getting something done, it's way more peaceful than late at night. Don't get me wrong, hanging around a camp fire until it burns out is a lot of fun too, but on a daily basis, I'd rather have my early mornings.

That's all I've got for now, my brain's moving too fast and I've got to get my day started!


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