The right side of the bed

Mmm, a great night sleep is hard to beat.

I'm sitting in my backyard with a cup of coffee though it's still dark with many clouds in the sky. I can hear the cars of the freeway which means traffic is moving. It feels warmer than yesterday though clouds usually keep more warmth in.

I did more of my energy for life class yesterday which covered some topics like what are the stories in you life that aren't leading you along the right path? What stories do you tell yourself are true when really they're based on the past and no longer apply? I also learned about two other topics, using stress to grow and multitasking.

I don't multitask often as I already know about myself I'm less productive when tackling multiple things. The other perspective is how effective I can be when giving one task my full attention. That makes so much sense, yet is hard to keep that at the forefront of my mind when there are other distractions and pressures.

As for using stress to grow, as in pushing myself beyond my comfort zone, then giving myself time to recover from that stress, it all makes sense, it's just hard to figure out specific ways to apply to my life. One thing that seems apparent is to plan my day out, determine work tasks and home tasks early on, then I don't waste my time. I'll also feel more accomplished, focused, and happier.


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