Baby Geese!

Soo, John and I recently went on a drive to check out bikes. We didn't get one, just browsing, but on our way out of the parking lot we saw some canadian geese. Then, John notices some grey fluffy things in the grass and they were baby geese! They were so cute and I had my camera so I snapped some pictures.
Nom nom nom on the grass
 All these guys had adult supervision of course, though I'm not sure how many were moms and how many were the dads protecting.
Keeping a lookout
 This one above was smaller and much younger than the ones below. It was cool to see the groups together at obvious different ages =)
These were the bigger babies that look more like dinosaurs

 We watched them for a couple minutes and I kept seeing the babies plop down in the grass after munching. My guess is their legs aren't strong and built up yet, so they tire out more quickly than their parents.
 Here's one of the geese that took notice of us. I call this picture "mama's evil eye" aka "don't come any closer or I'll..." haha We were in a car though and I had no plans of getting out. I know geese tend to be a little more aggressive than your average duck.
mama and baby eating together
So, that was the cute-ness of the afternoon, we've been seeing other geese around town but no other babies. Looking forward to the weekend!


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