Graduation weekend

Well, I graduate tomorrow, should be fun although I'll wake up earlier than I have in a while. With the help of some coffee that shouldn't be an issue, coffee and a good breakfast. I feel like the biggest task in the morning will be doing my hair. I'll have to wear the silly cap every graduating student wears, but since I have longer hair I can do it so that my hair looks good even with the cap on (hopefully).

On a completely separate note, I have a pretty long list of 'to-dos' and 'things to shop for', and one of them is to find a new knitting project as I've finished my most recent one. I'd really like to learn how to make socks but that will require me to get help from someone more experienced. This is entirely possible, just a matter of deciding what day to go and then actually going. Most yarn stores are run by people that know how to knit (and crochet), and the one I'm thinking of does do classes. I'm not sure this shop will offer a specific class on how to make socks, but it's worth stopping by and asking if they can show me anyway.

One thing I am working on is a picture-a-day of the plants I'm growing. I'm not sure how many days I'm going for, enough that you can see a difference, but really I'm going for as long as I can remember to take a picture of them everyday =) Here's the link to the album: Plants!

Time to get ready for the day, and go explore! Later guys B-)


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