Fantastic Flowering Friday!! B-)

So this morning was an early one. My labs started at 8:30am and I just finished about an hour ago. It was three different labs with some tutoring the last hour, not a three hour stat lab, that would be difficult for me even. On my way to lab I took some pictures of the flowers around campus. I took some later after I was done because it turns out we have a lot of pretty stuff planted around our campus and it's beautiful when it's blooming (aka now). The first pair of pictures I think I like the best, they're tulips, and you'll see why.
At roughly 8:15am

At roughly 1:00pm
 It amazes me how plants change throughout the day. As you can see, these are the same flowers, just different times of the day. I don't know much about tulips (except that they're pretty) and it didn't occur to me they close up overnight until I saw them this morning. I had seen them yesterday but didn't have my camera so somehow early this morning I remembered to toss it in my backpack so I could take some pictures today. 

I think these next two are some type of Magnolia but I can't be entirely sure. Again, the first if from this morning while the latter is from the afternoon. These don't have quite the open/close coolness of Tulips but are equally pretty and since purple is my favorite color I couldn't pass these up. If you haven't noticed already there is ample blue sky in the background. We have been getting unusually nice weather the past few days which is only making the beginning of my spring break that much nicer.
Yet I still have lots of work to accomplish over break and so I can't let the weather get the better of me. Not to say I can't enjoy it, but I do need to focus at least part of the day on serious school work.

These next ones are some brilliant yellow flowers. They grow like crazy here and from a distance just look like yellow leaves. Then you get a little closer and realize they're flowers. This first one I liked a lot with the purple tossed in there and all of it in front of a cool tree. I don't claimed to be any super duper photographer, but I like taking pictures of colorful stuff when I see it. =)

A little birdie with awesome yellow backdrop.

Now here's a weird tree whose leaves/pedals? I thought were awesome. They have dark colored tips to them and I just thought they were cool. 

I was maybe trying to be photographer-y with this one ;)
 And for the finale of my Friday post, more colorful Tulips!! They are all blooming around campus in all colors. I probably looked funny to other students taking my pictures but they were too bright and cheery to pass up. Enjoy!

Have a great Friday and if you're having nice weather enjoy it! And if you're not having nice weather, enjoy it inside where you're safe from wind, cold, and dreariness! =)


  1. Lovely photos Polly! Yes they are Magnolias, and the yellow flowering shrub is Forsythia, which is very common (at least in Europe) - it looks so lovely at this time of year! I don't know what the strange green leafy/flower thing is though - it looks very interesting.

  2. The photographer-y photo is awesome and the one following it as well.


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