Rain Rain go away..it's not fall anymore
7-Day Forecast for Latitude 39.63°N and Longitude 79.96°W
Now, with that kind of forcast? Isn't it better to just stay indoors with some hot coco/tea, read a good book, or maybe a movie, and be happy that we're not construction workers or bus drivers, or sports coaches?
Lots of work to get done, stay warm and dry if it's raining where you are too =)
Now, with that kind of forcast? Isn't it better to just stay indoors with some hot coco/tea, read a good book, or maybe a movie, and be happy that we're not construction workers or bus drivers, or sports coaches?
Lots of work to get done, stay warm and dry if it's raining where you are too =)
We don;t have any rain, but its been cold and windy and gloomy, so I think I like the staying inside and drinking hot things while reading/watching. I finished The Help last night snuggled up in our comfy chair with a blanket :) Hope you're keeping warm, I love you!