Finally Snow! and some other Tid Bits

Last night we finally got snow, which I love, but of course it's the night before I have to teach at 8:30am the next day. Thankfully I made it completely on time since buses are about the only vehicle that morgantown will plow its roads for consistently. Now I'm done teaching for the day and only have a couple hours of work and then it's the weekend!

I've just linked this blog with my google+ account which I want to use more. I like the way google integrates everything. If you disagree I'd love to know why. I like Facebook and all, but as Mr. Griffith puts it from Easy A: "I don't know what your generation's fascination is with documenting your every thought... but I can assure you, they're not all diamonds. 'Roman is having an OK day, and bought a Coke Zero at the gas station. Raise the roof.' Who gives a rat's ass? " So, even though I am still a part of this generation, I recognized that most of the people I know don't really care how each and every one of my days goes. Big events, sure, but other than that I like to keep my daily goingsons to myself and to close friends. 

Now, I realize the existence of this blog is a bit oxymoronic after what I just said, but really you have the choice to read this. You would need more than a quick glance to read this, probability indicating there's a little more to it than buying a coke zero or "I'm studying for at test". 

Moving on.

I really am hoping to stay up to date with this thing and hopefully add some useful blogs on some of my work for any statistically inclined people out there. 

Here's to a cozy weekend and lots more snow!


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