Semi-Productive Weekend

Well, I did get some work done today =) I finally figured out some commands with the tm package in R. For anyone that's interested, I'm currently reading the paper found here: Paper by L. Francis and M. Flynn. They write it for both Perl and R and has been pretty straightforward thus far. I had some of the commands messed up but they switch between Perl and R language/notation so when I finally figured it out, it really isn't anything big. This is becoming a more and more interesting project and possibly something I could be interested in doing more of in the future. I won't say this is what I want to do ultimately, but it is highly interesting now that I'm starting to understand how to work with text data in R. Maybe once I'm more in depth is my work I'll share a bit more detail but for right now there just isn't a whole lot besides learning the package to manipulate the data.

In addition to today's events, I snagged a totally great deal on some coffee. I'm trying out some of Maxwell Houses' "Lite" coffee with half the caffeine of regular. It's on sale this week AND I had a $1.50 off coupon. So, really great deal, especially since it's usually up of $13-14 for one of them. Granted the tubs I buy usually last me long enough that Maxwell's or Folgers go on sale again, so I can't remember the last time I bought coffee for more than $10 probably.

On another note, I suppose I'm ready for the upcoming week. There's lots of work to do that can't be put off, I just need to power through and work whenever I have some time. I also want to work out everyday this week. Hopefully I'll keep to that plan.

Have a good evening and get a good night's rest for Monday morning!


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