Just Bite the Bullet

Man, it's been a long Monday. Not in a bad way, just in a "I've been awake a really long time today" kind of day. My night class is Monday's so that pretty much keeps me on campus until 9:00pm which isn't so bad because it's only once a week but is kinda late. Oh well. Now I'm finally writing down my thoughts of the day so that I can go back and relax and get some sleep for tomorrow.

I caught up with an old friend from high school today via gchat (gotta love google =P) and she was telling me how she completed deleted her facebook account, especially after the timeline profile came out. After talking with her I toyed with the idea of deleting mine, but I'm not sure I would. There are people that I keep in touch with every so often that I wouldn't otherwise. What I should do is delete friends who I don't talk to. I forget who I was talking to, but whoever it was; we were saying that it's harder to delete a "friend" from high school that you never spoke to than it was to delete a "friend" from college. I'm not sure how to explain it, but it definitely seems to be how I feel. Regardless, I need to fight this feeling anyway, clean out the friend list. It's just not necessary to have that many people on a list so they can "check up" on me if they feel like it. It really is creepy. Even though it may seem as if you have tons of friends and that gives you a good feeling inside, it's really much better to have your close friends who you can share anything with. I know people say this, but so many of us have just lost site of what it means to have good friends these days. You don't need that many friends to have a fulfilling "circle" of friends that you can turn to anytime. So, hopefully when I have time I can go through my list. It feels like a matter of just biting the bullet and clicking delete. It shouldn't be so hard, and I'm getting to a point where it's not that hard, I just have to do it. I just can't care about that many people, it would take up all of my time if I did.

On a somewhat completely different note: I'm getting more excited about moving on from WV. It's nice being here, and I do like the small, uncrowded-ness of it, but there are other small towns and cities where I can get a lot more done. There are other places to go that will inspire me even more. I have gained a lot out of living here, but my time here is definitely reaching its end. There are people from home and other places that I haven't seen and want to. I feel bad that I haven't seen anyone but being a student prevents a lot of travel, especially to far away places. Once I get a job, save some money, I'm hoping I can do more of seeing old friends.

It's funny, I really like being up late (when I don't feel tired) because it really does get quieter and I feel that I can think a little more clearly. It's unfortunate that I seem to need so much sleep, which keeps me from enjoying the late night. The alternative is that I usually get a few mornings when it's pretty early and I enjoy the calm before the day. I'll say it now, I wish I didn't have a schedule so I could make my own wonderful plans each day but in reality it's good to have a little structure somewhere. Plus, how many of us say stuff like that and end up just hanging out and being a bum all day? In the end, we all need balance. What I really want is a regular 9-5 job so outside of those hours I can just do whatever home/self/fun/adventure stuff I want. Hopefully sometime soon that'll happen =P

Hmm, seems I'm quickly running low on writing energy, must be that nagging internal clock telling me, "hey, it's way past your bedtime, go to bed!" and yet, even when I finish writing this I'll probably read for a while in bed. I will admit I am trying to let myself relax a little with sleep and how early I wake up. I kind of need to tell myself, ok, Polly, you don't need to be up at 6:00am just so you can have more time to enjoy breakfast and hang out in the morning. No, I'm waking up later and getting to school so that my work gets done. For instance, I'm up pretty late tonight, so instead of getting up at 7:30 tomorrow, I'll probably lean more towards 8:00, and hey maybe even snooze for a bit before that terrible noise wakes me up again. Don't get me wrong, I love a snooze just as much as the next person, but I'll never understand the torture we put ourselves through with that thing. It's so much easier to wake up once, and then just get up, not have to relive waking up ten times before you decide, "ok, this is the one, I'm going to do it, I'm going to get out of bed..." Haha, makes me laugh just thinking about it.

Well, I made it through one more paragraph but really, I think my writing juices are spent for the night. I could keep going, but the quality of writing would decrease pretty rapidly. So, I'll leave you here and spare the late night nonsense that would probably ensue.

Sleep well where ever you are, and don't forget...you can always SNOOZE!


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